Have you ever been leery to play a Youtube video in class or share them with students because you are afraid of the chat comments, ads, and recommendations that come along with showing it?
There's a simple solution, simply copy the URL and put a "-" between the "t" and "u"in the address (see example below). Sharing and/or clicking this new link will display the videos without ads, recommendations, and comments that you have little control over. It's a safe way to show videos in the classroom on the fly. Of course, it is always recommended that you preview all videos for appropriate content. However, since we cannot control Youtube's algorithm, you can use this trick to view view Youtube videos safely.
Here's an example. See the DASH?
Another trick is to add the videos to a Google Slides presentation. You won't get any ads or comments. My experience indicates you might get recommendations, however, so test it out yourself first.